Aug. 31st(Thu) - Sept. 1st(Fri), 2023 (2 days)


Held by
The Japan TRIZ Society, NPO (JTS)

Main theme
"Future for All Creating with TRIZ!"

#To provide an opportunity for openly presenting, discussing, and communicating on TRIZ,
a methodology for creative problem solving and innovation, and its related areas
#To encourage the improvement of the TRIZ methodology itself and to enhance penetration,
promotion and application of TRIZ.
#To provide opportunities for making personal relationships among the people interested
in and working with TRIZ in Japan and in the world, and to encourage the understanding
and penetration of TRIZ.

#To openly call for contributions of presentations and participation not only from Japan but
also from all over the world, so as to make the Symposium an open conference.
#To help establish deeper and wider understanding of TRIZ and promote real use of TRIZ in
industries and in academia.
To introduce TRIZ and make it to penetrate widely into people engaged in SMEs and at schools.
#A Symposium primarily Japanese national and partially (but as much as possible) international.

#Keynote Lecture by Mr. Shin Taguchi
American Supplier Institute, Inc., USA
"DFSS in the U.S. and Europe"

#Special Lecture by Dr. Nobuaki Minato
Ritsumeikan Univ.
"Space-applied product innovation and its thought process"

#Agenda     Sheet
#Abstracts    from Overseas and Japan


The 19th TRIZ Symposium 2023 in Japan

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